Thursday, December 29, 2011

The Essentials

Packing 1 suitcase for 4 months is a task that I am unqualified to do. Luckily, I have a little experience in doing things I'm not qualified to do: cooking comes to mind. I continue anyway, blindly, packing what I think is essential to keep me going for 4 months.

6 t-shirts, 1 long-sleeve shirt, 1 sweater, 6 work shirts, 4 pairs of pants, 4 pairs of shorts, 1 or 2 belts (haven't decided yet), 6 pairs of underwear, 4 work socks, 5 regular socks - too much clothing or not enough? 1 camera, 1 iPod, some headphones, 1 journal, 1 flashlight + 1 reading light, 1 microphone with stand, 1 pair of sunglasses, 3 pens, 3 pencils, 1 textbook (I will be taking an online course while abroad), my laptop, the normal toiletries and enough drugs to keep me medicated for a lifetime - malaria pills, diarrhea pills and electrolyte tablets (for when I get the inevitable runny stool), Gravol, Imodium, daily vitamins plus SPF 50 sunscreen and bug spray. I am currently in the market for a mosquito net - turns out they are not a hot commodity at this time of year in Canada.

One thing I also found while packing up my closet was a box of keepsakes I had from high school. Until very late last night, I was going through old letters and pictures, reminiscing about old friends, reading cards from past birthdays and my graduation, and remembering the person I was only 3 years ago. It felt strange. Happiness overwhelmed me as I went through these nostalgic items, but sadness also chimed in to remind me that these are moments that I can't relive. That's life though, gotta live up the moments we have today because eventually they may be sitting in a lonely box in the back of your closet. Life moves in but one direction.

The current temperature in Strathroy, Ontario, Canada: 0°C
The current temperature in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: 23°C

I can't wait.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

864,000 seconds

10 days. 9 sleeps. 864,000 seconds...863,999...863,998...

In ten days a story will begin. I will be dropped into the middle of a new culture, a new climate, and a completely new way of life. The distance between me and my new life: 8,177 kilometers - 5,081 miles - 8,177,992 meters - 26,830,682 feet - or, two flights with a transfer in Belgium.

I will be living and working in northern Burkina Faso, a small landlocked country in West Africa, in a place called Yako. This will be my first international experience. All my life thus far was spent in Southwestern Ontario, Canada (with the exception of some vacations in the Caribbean and my childhood trips to Florida).

So the question arises: why do this blog? Simply put: to tell a story. It is your choice to turn the page and continue reading. I am the author of a story with no clear direction. It has no known subject, nor characters, nor outcomes. This is a story about life and what happens when a life changes. It begins in 863,888 seconds...863,887...863,886...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Where is our education leading us?

This is, in my opinion, a must watch video on one perspective on the current education system. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 30 - We did it!

We have done it! 30 days - 30 challenges.

Today is all about you. Your challenge is to post in the comments how you felt the 30 day challenge went. What was your favourite challenge, the most challenging challenge, any days you didn't like and why, any lessons learned, experiences you would like to share, anything folks!

This is a time to share what you went through with the people that went through it with you. And don't be afraid if you only did a few of the challenges - share anything! Now it is time to celebrate our completion of the challenge, and walk away with some new life lessons.

So, what did you think?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 29 - Time to reflect

This is a great chance for us to reflect on our 30 day challenge. Let's first recall the overall purpose of these past 30 days; 1. to challenge your regular habits; 2. open your eyes to small ways you can make a difference each day; and, 3. to have a little fun. So did we achieve these goals?

Throughout this challenge I have asked you to do everything from meeting someone new to donating your old clothing. I have asked you to reflect on your purpose in life, and to appreciate the beauty of nature and music. You have been challenged to carry out a random act of kindness and to try a 5-minute meditation. You were asked to go beyond the usual 'good' answer when greeted and to try a day without eating meat. I hope through these challenges you have changed your regular habits and you have stepped outside of your comfort zone. 

By drawing your attention to your water consumption and challenging you to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, I have hopefully opened your eyes to the small ways in which you can make a difference each day. Choosing fair trade over regular products and giving up an unhealthy habit have also contributed to this goal. 

Through re-connecting with an old friend and creating something I hope you were able to have a little fun. The sole purpose of day 6, Back to the good old days, was to rekindle your childhood spirit and have fun with that. 

Everything I have challenged you to do has had a purpose and a reason. I hope dearly that you have found the relevance and meaning behind these challenges and that I have accomplished my goal. We are but one day away from saying we have accomplished the 30 day challenge; congratulations and making it this far. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 28 - Write a Letter

Today I want you to write a letter. There are many types of letters and I will leave it up to you to decide which type you would like to write. It could be a letter to a friend or family member, a protest letter, a letter to a soldier, a letter to the editor or perhaps a letter to a government official. The choice is yours.

A letter is a powerful thing for a few reasons; 1. you have to take time to write a letter, so it shows you have made a commitment to the purpose of the letter; 2. letters allow you to think and articulate yourself clearly; and, 3. letters usually merit a response (and who doesn't like getting a nice letter in the mail).

On this beautiful day, I want you to choose a person or cause that has meaning to you, write them a letter,  buy the postage necessary and send it through the traditional mailing system. It will take more time than an e-mail, but it will also show your sender you are willing to take the time for them.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 27 - Give up an unhealthy habit

We all have unhealthy habits that we aren't proud of. Some of us bite our nails; stay up too late; smoke; eat junk food; have too much caffeine intakes; forget to floss; don't exercise etc.. The first step in getting rid of habits like this is identifying they are no longer random actions and have become habits.

It has been said that it takes 21 days to create and/or change a habit; the "21 day habit theory". Day 27's challenge is to pick an unhealthy habit of yours and start to change it. Will this be easy? Of course not.

I will give you a simple example though. I live in a residence and thus share a bathroom. In our bathroom we have a paper towel dispenser. To cut down on wasted paper, I stopped using the dispenser and would rather go to my room and dry my hands with my towel. It took a while for me to get used to this changed habit and I made mistakes along the way; sometimes I would push the handle, dry my hands and only then realize I had forgotten my new method of drying.

Habits are not easy to break because they are habits - you don't always have to think about doing them, you just do them. But this challenge is about being conscious of those actions and trying to change the ones that are harming yourself or the people and planet around you.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 26 - What is your purpose?

I think a lot about the 'purpose of life'. Why am I here? What should I be doing? What effect am I having on the environment around me? I think it's good to reflect sometimes on what you're doing with your life (not all the time though, because then you miss out on life itself). As much as I reflect though, I still have no idea what the ultimate purpose is: Is it to give? Is it to find love? Is it to have fun along they way? Is there not a purpose to life?

Today's challenge is rather abstract, I know, but I think it's important to think about a greater goal. Having a greater purpose gives you focus and allows you to work toward that goal on a day-to-day basis.

So, what is your purpose? And how are you assuring you are on the path to achieving it?

I would love to see comments on this post because just as much as it's good to reflect on your own, it's helpful to hear other people's thoughts and beliefs as well.

*This post was inspired by the following video:

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 25 - Make a meaningful donation

If you take a look at my "Why should you care?" section, you will see a TED Talk video by Jessica Jackley. Within this video she talks about the burden of donating to 'the poor' and how she used to only donate when it was convenient or when she was cornered into doing so. That is not what donations are meant to be about. According to the Princeton Dictionary, a donation is "a voluntary gift (as of money or service or ideas) made to some worthwhile cause. Today's challenge is to make (or at least commit to making) a meaningful donation. 

Let's break down that definition quickly: 1. a voluntary gift; 2. money or service or ideas; and, 3. to a worthwhile cause. Everyone can make a donation, it's just about choosing what type of donation you will give and to whom.

"If you have much, give your wealth. If you have little, give your heart." - Arab Proverb

This challenge is about giving what is feasible for you, and having meaning behind it. I don't want you to donate $10 to a random charity, I want you to find a cause which you are passionate about and give what you can; whether that be a financial contribution, volunteering your time or a simple 'thank-you for all you do' card.

Make a difference today through a meaningful donation!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day 24 - Know the politics

This challenge is especially relevant to Canadian citizens right now (with the election coming up in May), but certainly something that anyone, from any country should be acquainted with. I am referring to knowing your political situation and exercising your right to vote.

"Freedom is a package deal - it comes with responsibility and consequences."

It is our constitutional right to vote in a fair and free democratic election. But in the last Canadian election only 59.1% of the population voted. Why? Perhaps they were too busy, or perhaps they just forgot. Perhaps it's because we have it so good already, why even cast a vote?

I'll tell you why. Around the globe there are people who are oppressed, shut out, or even killed for wanting the same political freedom we have. I don't want to criticize or attack, I simply want you to know the importance and privilege that Canadians have to be able to vote. With the current situation in Libya and Cote d'Ivoire raging on, how can we, with good conscience, not take advantage of this chance to have a say in our leadership.

For Canadians who would like to see which political party lines up closest to their views, you can check out the following website: After answering 30 questions it shows you where you stand on political issues and which Canadian party most represents your view.

Day 24's challenge is to educate yourself on the political situation of the country you are currently in and exercise your political rights. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 23 - Watch and react

The last 'watch and react' challenge (Day 13) was tough because the content was not pleasant. Today  has more of a hopeful twist. This video answers the question: what is the purpose of life (or at least from one man's perspective). For those who were not here for Day 13's 'watch and react' challenge - the task is to view the video below and react to it. Do something about it - anything. "I never worry about action, but rather inaction;" Winston Churchill. Enjoy and I hope you feel inspired.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 22 - Appreciate the song of life

Music is a universal language. It requires no words, but sometimes it is the most powerful way of articulating a feeling. You don't have to study theory or even have ever played an instrument to create music. It is also all around us. It is in the song of morning birds. It is in the simple whistle of a stranger on the street. It is there, but too often we don't appreciate the beauty of it.

The diversity of music is another thing to be appreciated. So many cultures have various types of music and each one is unique and wonderful. Today's challenge is to appreciate the music of our world. Branch out from your usual playlist and seek out new and different melodies. Branch out from what keeps you content and seek the extraordinary. You never know, you may discover something that fills your life with more beauty than you could have imagined. 

"Music is a ladder for the soul." - Bahá'u'lláh

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 21 - Try a day without meat

I came across this video and I thought it was an interesting idea. I am sharing it with you because it challenges our regular habits which is what this 30 day challenge is all about...

Today I want you to try to eat each meal without meat. As Graham mentions, there are numerous benefits to a life without meat, so let's try it out for at least one day.

Here is a couple website to find vegetarian recipes.

All Recipes
Canadian Living
The Food Network

Bonne Appétit!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 20 - Connect on a deeper level

I have already challenged you to go out and meet someone new (Day 5), but today is about getting to know someone you already know on a deeper level. Call someone up and invite them to coffee or to go grab a bite to eat. The challenge is to go beyond the typical conversation. For example, instead of just talking about work, as usual, talk about what they do outside of work or personal ambitions they may have.

Some possible topics include:
- Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
- How did you choose your career?
- What are some of your greatest successes in life? Some of your greatest lessons learned?
- What do you want out of life? How are you going to get it?
- What do you believe in? (Not necessarily faith or religion)
- What is your dream for the world? Why isn't it that way?
- What are your fears?
- What makes you happy?

People are fascinating if you take the time to listen to them. Each person also has a story; how they came to be the person they are today. So, find out what their story is today, and share your own with them. Have fun with it and enjoy Day 20's challenge.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day 19 - REDUCE, Reuse, Recycle

Do you remember the old saying; "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!" It's a good one, eh. What I would like to point out today is the order in which the words are said: 1. Reduce; 2. Reuse; and, 3. Recycle. I believe it was said in that order for a reason. 

We live in an over-consumptive culture, but what makes it worse is the amount of waste we generate (unnecessary waste). If we make a conscious effort to first reduce our consumption; second reuse what we have already consumed; and lastly, if there is no more use for the item, recycle, we will create a more sustainable society.

I don't think this is an impossible task, nor terribly difficult. It is just about recognizing our unnecessarily consumptive patterns. For example: using a reusable mug, reusable shopping bags, double-side your paper when you print or copy, reduce organic trash by composting, buy products with a longer life-span, buy in bulk to reduce packaging, etc.  

Then comes reusing. Some examples include: repairing damaged items instead of throwing them away, if you have no use for it anymore, sell it on ebay/craigslist/kijiji, shop at garage sales or second hand stores, old clothes can be donated or torn clothes can be used as rags for cleaning, etc. 

Finally if your product has come to the end of its life, make an effort to recycle if possible. I found the following benefits from an article written by Laurence O'Sullivan. 

- “Paper products are the single biggest component of the municipal solid waste stream, making up 38.1 percent of the material landfilled in the United States. Effective paper recycling efforts can help conserve landfill space and natural resources and preserve biological diversity by reducing the call to harvest timber from wild areas.”

- “Compared with the production of primary aluminum, recycling of aluminum products needs as little as 5% of the energy and emits only 5% of the greenhouse gas.”

- “Glass produced from recycled materials reduces related air pollution by 20 percent and water pollution by 50 percent. Manufacturing glass from recycled materials also saves 68 percent energy and half the water normally required in the manufacturing process.”

Day 19's challenge is to make a conscious effort to reduce your consumption, reuse what you already have and always recycle if possible. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 18 - Try fair trade on for size

You have likely heard of the term, fair trade, but I want to present to you the true benefits of choosing fair trade over 'regular trade' products.

"Fair trade is based on a business model that puts workers and the environment first, not last. Fair-trade businesses buy from producers that are committed to the following criteria in their relationships with farmers and workers:

- Cooperative and healthy workplaces that provide workers with a large degree of self-determination;
- Pay a "living wage," i.e., one that ensures that workers are paid enough to meet their basic daily living needs;
- Environmental sustainability;
- Respect for cultural identity; and,
- Transparency and public accountability in their trading relationships." (Taken from an article written by Larry Landry)

Two examples of what happens without fair trade include:
- Haitian workers getting paid 9 cents in labor for sewing a Disney sweatshirt that sells for $25.
- When workers in a U.S. factory in Nicaragua tried to organize, the company fired them. When that was exposed in the U.S., the company moved to an Asian country where labor unions are prohibited. (Taken from an article written by Larry Landry)

Fair trade farmer Bertha Fanueli Matowo on her shamba or coffee farm, on the slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro, Tanzania 
So, what products can you buy fair trade? The three main commodities you will see is coffee, tea and chocolate. But fair trade items come is all shapes and sizes - rice, sugar, fresh fruit, flowers, vanilla, wine, crafts, home decor, jewellery etc.

Green America released this excellent "Guideline to Fair Trade" which not only gives you fair trade options, but also lists of companies that sell these various products online. You can also check out your local "10,000 villages store" which services 100% fair trade products.

When it comes to fair trade, my personal view is: why not? So Day 18 Challenge is to try out fair trade!
I apologize posting this a day late, but I came across a "fair trade finder" for Canada where you type in your location to search for fair trade stores near you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 17 - Create something

A very smart man once said; "Creativity is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein knew the importance of imagination, inventiveness, artistry, and inspiration.

The dictionary defines creativity as "the use of the imagination or original ideas", and that is your challenge today. I want you to channel your inner creative spirit and create something. And no,  I will not give you guidelines or even examples, because that would restrict your creativity. Your instructions are simple: create something.

Why should you? Because nothing in this world will change unless we think creatively. Unless we think outside the box, we will stay in this current world order of inequality and hardship. Unless we choose the path less travelled, we will never know anything more than mediocracy.

"Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them." - Albert Einstein

My one piece of advise for today's challenge is that you must not be afraid of making mistakes. The reason people resist creativity is because they don't want to get it wrong. It's okay to get it wrong, as long as you learn as you take the next step. Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb, said; "I have not failed 10,000 times. I have successfully found 10,000 ways that will not work."

I wish you success on Day 17's challenge!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 16 - Lest we forget

Skulls of Rwandan Genocide Victims
Last week, I was privileged enough to hear Roméo Dallaire speak. He was incredible. In Rwanda, this man experienced first hand what happens when mankind fails itself, yet today he still believes in the potential of a better future; he didn't give up on humanity. I tell you this with a purpose. First to admire his unimaginable courage; and, second to remind you that we cannot forget about these failures in humanity.

"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." - Edmund Burke

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 
At the same time, we must also remember the triumphs of humanity. We look at people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the movement to abolish inequality in the United States. We look at Mohandas Karachand Gandhi and his unwavering devotion to peace. We look at Nelson Mandela and his genuine ability to forgive. We have seen, time and time again, the will power of people fighting through adversity.

Nelson Mandela

Today's challenge is about remembering our dark history, so that we may not repeat it, and moving forward with the empowerment of our past successes. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 15 - Be the change

We all admire things about other people. We admire their strength, self-sacrifice, confidence, intuition, courage, attitude, and the list goes on. We admire the person they are and the decisions they make. Some people wish they could live the life of someone else; I think that is one of the most ridiculous statements. Never wish you were someone else; rather take action to reflect the qualities that you admire about them, and create a better life for yourself.

"I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul."
- William Ernest Henley

Today's challenge is about becoming the better person that you want to be. Stop saying I wish I could stop smoking, and muster up the courage to do so. Stop saying I wish I had more meaningful time with my family and friends, and do it by setting aside that time. Stop saying I feel bad about my lifestyle compared to the billions around the world who live in poverty, and take action! Today is about reflecting on the person you would like to be, and becoming that person.

"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself."

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 14 - Time for a break

This guy knows how to take a break!
Today is our "almost half-way done the 30-Day challenge" break! I would like you to use today to catch up on any challenges you have missed thus far and reflect on those you have completed. Along with catching up, I would also invite you to share your ideas for a daily challenge in the comments section below. From day one of this blog I have said, "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" (Aristotle), and that your thoughts and opinions are equally as valid as mine, so please share them below.

Enjoy the break and I look forward to hearing your ideas!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 13 - Watch and react

Today's challenge is different. I have posted a video below; I would like you to watch it and then react to it. You can react by sharing this video with someone else and spreading awareness. You could find a petition and sign it to stop slavery. You could donate to a non-governmental organizations. You can do nothing. The choice is yours. I would like to warn you ahead of time, this video is not pleasant and has the purpose of evoking emotion.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 12 - Clean out the closet

Today I would like you to clean out your closet. The challenge is to go through your clothes and donate what you no longer wear or what no longer fits you. 
"It is such a waste to throw clothes away or to just leave it hanging in one's closet, and not worn. Donating used clothing is a gesture of generosity; it helps less-fortunate individuals in our communities. It helps to clear out space, making room for items we actually need and use, and eliminating clutter.

In short, clothing donations can benefit everyone." - Joshua Poyoh
Clothing donation is very easy these days, and some companies even come to your house to pick up your clothes. If you don't know of any used clothing stores in your area, utilize the power of Google to find one. 

"The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving." - Albert Einstein

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 11 - Time for a random act of kindness

"If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded." - Maya Angelou
Today I am directing you to The Random Act of Kindness Foundation. In their own words; The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is the heart of the kindness movement whose aim is to help everyone create a better world by spreading awareness and increasing engagement in kind actions. Today your challenge is to complete a random act of kindness. Their website is full of great ideas. Here is a few to get you going:

- Send a thank-you to your local police or fire rescue services;
- Pick up trash on the street and put it in the garbage/recycling;
- Pay for the coffee of the person behind you in line;
- Donate something good to the food bank (not just the food you don't want);
- Give blood; or,
- Share an inspirational quote.

This list goes on and on. Click on the picture and take a look at their list of kindness ideas.
"No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." - Aesop

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 10 - Stop and smell the roses

"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change." - Buddha
Our world is beautiful. There is so much to see and appreciate. Mother nature has been kind to us despite the fact that we continuously abuse this planet. Today's challenge is simple; appreciate the beauty of nature. Stop to smell the roses; feel the breeze on your face as you walk along the sidewalk; take in the complexity of a trees bark; recognize the life that is inside each plant.

I chose this challenge so that you may not only take in the beauty of nature, but also so that you may be reminded of why there are conservation efforts to save this planet. Don't get me wrong though, this isn't a hippy point of view. It is about recognizing the balance between human needs and wants, and what our planet has to offer.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day 9 - In the midst of disaster...

I came across this picture on The Big Picture website and it made me start thinking about what is really important in my life. 

For today, I want you to think about your priorities in life and assess whether you are living out those priorities. For example, if you say your number one priority is family; are you spending enough quality time with your family? Further to this, think about the people that are the closest to you; do they know how much they mean to you? If a disaster was to strike tomorrow, would you be full of regret?

"I believe you should live each day as if it is your last, which is why I don't have any clean laundry, because, come on, who wants to wash clothes on the last day of their life?"

Life is too short to waste it on things that you don't love (although from time to time, you may have to do your laundry). 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 8 - Watch your water consumption

We often take water for granted. According to UNICEF however, globally 884 million people lack access to clean water sources and 2.5 billion lack improved sanitation conditions. Water is revered and conserved elsewhere because of its scarcity, but wasted here because of its abundance. So today I am directing you to Water - Use It Wisely, a great website that gives you tons of ways of cutting your personal water consumption. Your challenge is to be aware of your water consumption habits and make an effort to reduce them. 

Some of the great ideas they present include:

- Shorten your shower by a minute or two and you can save up to 150 gallons per month. Or install a water-efficient shower head that is inexpensive, easy to install and can save you up to 750 gallons per month.

- Put food colouring in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl without flushing you have a leak. Fixing it can save up to 1000 gallons per month.

- Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and save 25 gallons per month. Turn it off while you shave and save up to 300 gallons per month.

- Washing dark colours in cold water saves both on water and energy while it helps your clothes keep their colours.

There are lots of gallons to be saved by taking a few simple steps. Check out their website, by clicking on the picture, to find more great water conservation ideas.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 7 - Call someone today

Today I will keep it short and sweet. Your challenge is to call someone. I chose this challenge because of our societies obsession with texting, instant messaging and e-mail. Too often our communication is non-verbal, so today instead of sending a text message to see how someone is doing, give them a quick 5-minute call. Or, instead of sending an e-mail, dial that person up and use your beautiful voice to articulate what you want to say.

If you need something to break the ice, you can tell them one of these awesome one liners.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 6 - Back to the good old days

Today's challenge will stretch your memory a bit. I want you to remember something you loved doing as a child. It could be making forts, eating dessert before dinner, playing hide-and-seek, making fart noises, watching your favourite kids movie, playing at the park, baking cookies, arts and crafts, making an awesome ice cream sundae, board games, riding your bike; the list is endless.

Your challenge is to pick one of these things you loved doing as a kid, and do it. You are never too old to let out your inner child and certainly never too old to have fun.

Children are happy because they are innocent, creative and care-free. Let yourself go today, be a little silly, and enjoy doing something you loved doing as a child.

As Dr. Seuss put it, "Adults are obsolete children." Don't become obsolete; never lose your childhood ambition for life and learning.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 5 - Meet someone new

I am going to go against everything you were taught as a child for today's challenge, and for that, I apologize. But in my defence, I do believe it is for your own good. Day 5's challenge is to talk to a stranger. (Note: You are still not allowed to take candy from a stranger)

There are a lot of fascinating people out there, but if you don't step outside of your box you will never meet them.

Why would I ask you to do this? Because I feel that too often we are trapped in our own lives, with the same people and we don't branch out and challenge ourselves to break our usual habits.

I will warn you, this challenge could get awkward, but that's okay. Not everyone will enjoy someone talking to them, but please don't let this discourage you. Just try and start up a conversation with a new person. Trust me, it will be worth it.

Let me give you a real life example. I was sitting in the waiting room of the international students office with a gentleman sitting across from me. I asked him if he was an international student and he said yes. We started talking about his decision to come to Canada and about his transition to the North American culture. Near the end of the conversation he told me that I was the first stranger to start up a conversation with him since he had come to Canada, 3 months previous.

"Strangers are friends you have yet to meet", so get out there today and start meeting them!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 4 - Laugh a little

Listen folks, it is time to laugh. Laughter is an amazing thing, and there is proof to back up that statement. Laughter is linked to the healthy function of blood vessels and it has been shown to reduce stress hormones. Laughter relaxes the body, boosts the immune system, triggers the release of endorphins, and protects the heart.

Today your challenge is to laugh, and laugh as much as possible. You can joke with your friends, watch a funny movie, or watch awesome videos on YouTube. Case in point:

Enjoy your challenge today :)

"The person who knows how to laugh at himself will never cease to be amused."
- Shirley MacLaine

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 3 - Try a 5-minute meditation

I am not qualified to teach you how to meditate, I am however qualified to pretend I know how to teach you to meditate. Thus today's challenge is to complete a 5-minute meditation.

According to, the purpose of meditation is to make our mind calm and peaceful, and what a wonderful idea that is. Today I will give you the steps to a simple breathing meditation, however if you would like to do more research on various techniques, I certainly encourage that.

1. Find a quiet and relaxing environment to meditate in.
2. Find a comfortable sitting position (make sure you keep a straight back and do not slouch)
3. Set the time - if you type into youtube, "5-minute meditation" there are lots of videos with 5 minutes of calming music, or you can use an alarm to let you know when your five-minutes have completed (and also feel free to go longer than 5 minutes if you would like).
4. Close your eyes and keep them closed for the duration of your meditation. Draw all of your attention to your breathing, preferably breathing through your nostrils.
5. At first you will notice your mind becoming very busy with thoughts, but try and resist the temptation to follow those thoughts and bring your attention back to your breathing.
6. Concentrate and relax for those 5 minutes and voilà, you have completed today's challenge.

If you are interested in getting into the habit of meditation, wikiHow has a great, easy to follow section on meditation.

I wish you a peaceful and calming day.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 2 - Time to reconnect

Life is busy, we all know that. But it is important from time to time to reconnect with old friends from your past. I remember a song about this that we used to sing in music class as a kid:

Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
the other is gold.

So today, your challenge is to reconnect with an old friend of yours. Send them a message, see how they are doing, and reminisce about the memories you shared. Also, don't forget: "Friends are like bras: close to your heart and there for support."

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 1 - Say goodbye to 'good'

Every day, countless times, you are greeted with a simple; "How are you?". The greeting often goes something like this...

"Hey, how are you?"
"I'm good, thanks, and you?"
"I'm good."

The challenge today is to not say good. I know you have a wide selection of other words in your vocabulary to describe how you are feeling, so good just won't cover it today. You can say you are doing wonderful, awful, kinda tired, lazy, empowered, hyper, swell, could be better, angry, happy, just listened to a great song, excited, better than yesterday, nervous, hungry, not feeling well, etc.. Whatever you say, be genuine and make sure you also listen to what the other person has to say. If you're up to it, you can also challenge them to use another word as well. 

So, get original and say goodbye to good
"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness, and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again."
- Og Mandino
I wish you success on Day 1's challenge.

Friday, March 4, 2011

30 Day Challenge

I am constantly battling with myself to become a better person. Choosing what is 'right' over what is 'convenient' is not always an easy decision. Thus, I have created a 30 Day Challenge for us to complete.
"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are." - Bernice Johnson Reagon
The structure of this will be relatively simple; beginning Monday March 7th, each morning before 7am, I will post a daily challenge. Your task then, is to complete the challenge.

Together we will complete each task and I invite you to comment on how your day went after you have completed it. The tasks will not be daunting, but rather stimulating. The overall purpose of this is; 1. to challenge your regular habits; 2. open your eyes to small ways you can make a difference each day; and, 3. to have a little fun.
"Accept the challenges so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory." - George S. Patton
So, will you accept the challenge?

Monday, February 28, 2011

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

Zen Habits is a blog I subscribe to. It was created by a man named Leo Babauta and he describes it in the following way:
Zen Habits is about finding simplicity in the daily chaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what’s important, create something amazing, find happiness. 

If this is of interest to you, I encourage you to check out his website by clicking on the image below:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Big Picture

For all of the visual people, here is a phenomenal website that proves a picture is worth a thousand words. It presents stories, through pictures, of current events happening around the globe.

Click on the picture below to view the website:

World Press Photo of the Year 2011

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

7 Deadly Social Sins

Politics without Principle
Wealth without Work
Commerce without Morality
Pleasure without Conscience
Education without Character
Science without Humanity
Worship without Sacrifice

- Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

Sunday, February 20, 2011

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." - Lao-Tzu

The purpose of this blog is to education, stimulate creative and innovative thinking, and encourage you to think critically about International Development. That sounds like a big cup of tea, but let me explain. Are you familiar with the quote... "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." Most people stop quoting it there, but Marianna Williamson goes on to say more; "It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us... as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others."

Within you is the capacity to change this planet, and I am here to encourage you to do so. I am here to present our world's current situation and to give you ways of combating poverty in a constructive way. As Dr. Seuss once said, "Unless someone like you cares a whole aweful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not."

So where should we start? I guess the first question to ask is: What is International Development? According to good old Wikipedia:
International development or global development is a concept that lacks a universally accepted definition, but it is most used in a holistic and multi-disciplinary context of human development - the development of greater quality of life for humans.
For me, International Development is about empowerment. If people lack oppourtunity, it is about providing oppourtunity. If people lack dignity, it is about spreading equality. If people are suffering, it is about providing relief in any form possible. The field of International Development is extremely complex but the constant thread is hope for a better tomorrow. I am here to change the world because I am unhappy with the way things are going right now. I hope you are here to do the same.

So, comment on this post and subscribe/follow this blog if you would like. Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions about anything I have posted.

I will end with the words of Aristotle; "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts"; meaning your thoughts and opinions are equally as significant as mine, so let's put our heads together and change this world for the better :)