Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 23 - Watch and react

The last 'watch and react' challenge (Day 13) was tough because the content was not pleasant. Today  has more of a hopeful twist. This video answers the question: what is the purpose of life (or at least from one man's perspective). For those who were not here for Day 13's 'watch and react' challenge - the task is to view the video below and react to it. Do something about it - anything. "I never worry about action, but rather inaction;" Winston Churchill. Enjoy and I hope you feel inspired.

1 comment:

  1. Great video as always Kevin! What an amazing guy. It takes courage to leave his job and go against the norms of society and his culture (especially with the caste system there) and do what he does!

    Also, I know you asked for suggestions of challenges before, and I was thinking that one challenge could be educating yourself about Canada's political parties since we're going to have an election soon!
