I wrote this post while in Burkina, I just never felt ready to share it. Today I decided it was time to open up the discussion:
If we stop to think for a second, I mean really stop to reflect, do you think we could answer the question: what's wrong with mankind? Do you think if we give thought to our actions, our choices, our principles, we can find the truth about why we have suffering in this world? Why we have inequality? Why humanity is so divided?
Do you think that there is good within each of us, or does that skip a generation from time to time? Do you believe every child comes into this world with innocence in their hearts? Or, do some have a mission, given by fate, for evil?
Do we always try, at least try, to be good people? To see the good in others? Is it easier to commit immoral acts? Or, does good trump evil in the battle for our amusement?
Irrespective of religion or credo; what unites us? What divides us? Inclusive of religion or credo; what unites us? What divides us?
Who initially decided to divide and conquer the world? Who initially decided to mend it?
Do you believe in equality? Between men and women? Between different races? If we truly believe everyone should have equal opportunity, why don't we? Does our ego get in the way of unity?
I don't know the answers to most of these questions. I wish I did.